mercredi 25 août 2010

Kari's tag...

Names you go by:
1. Kyra
2. Maï
3. Maikyglis

Three things you're wearing right now:
1. jean's (all humid because of the rain T_T)
2. tank top
3. small bolero (to hide my shoulders... I'm in Korea!)

People whom you hope will do the meme:


Three things you did last night:
1. Chatting on Internet
2. Listening my iTunes
3. Sleeping

Three people you last talked to on the phone:

Does text messages and MSN chatting count??? No? Ok...
1. Mutti
2. Sinjae
3. Widhi

Three things you're going to do tomorrow:
1. going to work in a so isolated place...
2. that I'll be depressed all the day...
3. so I'll play on FaceBook and chat with my friends!

Three of your favorite drinks:
1. tea
2. apple juice
3. water

Three things that made you smile today:
1. this strange "food" in HomePlus that I don't even know what it is
2. the 3 americano-korean children with natural brown hair!
3. to wake up, look at my watch and say: woah, it's 10AM a wednesday... and it's a day off!!!

2 commentaires:

K. a dit…

J'adore ton "3 things you're going to do tomorrow", on voit l'envie de travailler!

Kyra ^ ^ a dit…

N'est-ce pas, hein...
Faut dire que j'adooore mon nouveau labo... -_-"